Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Busy... and also Warmahordes.

Been a very busy week.  First week back to work with the kids... I haven't had much time to do any writing really.  Been busy with school and then tired, which sucks.

However, my wife is starting her grad school this week, so the plan is for me to write while she does homework and such.  That way we are both doing something productive.  Hopefully next post will be about how well that arrangement is going!

In other news, I played in a Warmachine tournament last saturday.  I ended up winning 2 of the 5 games I played.  It was fun though and it was pretty much a beginner tourney so I played against other newbies (for the most part) which worked out well.  I've got like half of my Cygnar painted (enough for two 35 point armies with my two favorite casters Kraye and eCaine), so I think I'm going to shift my focus to painting my Circle army.  There are too many Cygnar players at the place I play anyways.

I'll probably use my Cygnar tomorrow night, (Thursdays is Warmachine night at Fat Ogres), but hopefully in the next week or so I can transition to Circle... or maybe ill start bringing an army of each to play on thursdays.  I really don't like playing with unpainted models though, so we'll see.

I painted the Warlock Kaya the Wildborne a while back, but I decided I wanted to do something other than the original Circle color scheme of the Green and Bronze Armor Plates.
 So, I repainted her armor to be a purple/blue and silver instead.
I think I like it.  I don't like the picture, however because I had to use the flash.  Oh well.  That's all for now.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Zug Zug

Well, I haven't posted in a while because I've been gearing up to start back teaching.  I have had to spend this last week at boring Staff Development and "team building" exercises.  As far as writing is going I've shifted my focus back towards the Collectors. I will continue to do stuff for Antheros, but it will definitely be more of a side project thing for now.  I think what I am going to end up doing is creating a few pages within this blog, one will be dedicated to Collectors stuff and the other Antheros stuff and possibly a random section so I can post stuff about other things that interest me (such as WarMachine, games, and movies and books and such.)    Anyways the one advantage to all these pointless meetings is that it gives a chance to draw, so I did a quick rough sketch of the main character in Collectors.  So here he is:

Roswell Scraphunter

Speaking of meetings I have another now.... Zug Zug!

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Age of Dragons

The third age of Antheros is known as The Age of Dragons.

The world of Antheros had been reduced to little more than a charred husk during the war between Evera and Deinous in the Second Age.  Jormungandr the greatest of the Dragon Lords had taken his place at the top of the world where he slumbered and maintained the barrier between Antheros and its moons. 

The Remaining Seven Dragon Lords had been left to nurture the world back to its former glory.  At first the dragons did this on their own, and through their care and the power of magic they began to slowly breath life back into the dead planet. 

After several thousand years the plants and waters had started to return.  The wildlife and creatures (such as Centaurs and other mythological type things) had started to reappear as well, but there was still much left to do. 

The Dragon Lords, however, had begun to grow arrogant in their power.  They felt they deserved a better fate than to have to spend all their time caring for the planet.  Eikpyrnir, the Dragon Lord of the Forest, had decided he would use the divine abilities granted to him by the god Antheros to create servants that would tend to the Forest in his stead.

Eikpyrnir created the first of the seven Dragonspawned races: The Elves.  Eikpyrnir favored magic, and granted all his elves the ability to command the arcane by giving them the eyes of a dragon and teaching them the secret language of magic.  He made them immortal and because Eikpyrnir was vain he made them all beautiful to behold.  He bound the Elves to himself and the forest, and charged them with the care of the woodlands.  Eikpyrnir then found himself a peaceful and comfortable glade where he spent the next thousand years taking what he felt was a well deserved nap.

Following the example set by his twin, Nidhogg the Jungle Lord created the second Dragonspawned race: The Mouryxt.  Nidhogg modeled the Mouryxt after the large Jungle Cats that lived amid the trees.  The Mouryxt were swift, graceful, strong and fierce.  He gave them a playful streak for he himself had one as well.  To some he gave the gift of magic, but he did not feel it was necessary for all to have.  He made them keen yet instinctual creatures.  He then bound them to his service and to the Jungles.  Nidhogg then spent his days creating games to play in his jungle home, and would occasionally venture out to play tricks on the other dragon lords.

Hafgufa the Sea Dragon had grown a strong liking to the taste of the creatures that lived in the worlds oceans, and so that she could have more time to devote to dining upon them, she created the third Dragonspawned race: The Merfolk.  She gave the Merfolk the tails of fish, so that they could swiftly travel the waters.  Hafgufa was vain like Eikpyrnir and made the Merfolk beautiful as well.  She made them natural hunters with net and trident so that they might better catch fish for her.  To the men she grated the gift of magic to aid in their hunt, and to the females she granted them a beautiful voice and the talent for song.  This way she could have music with which to eat by.  Hafgufa then bound the Merfolk to herself the worlds Seas.  In addition to taking care of the oceans the Merfolk were made to bring great quantities of Sea Creatures to Hafgufa.  She would then gorge herself while her Mermaids sang for her.  Hafgufa soon grew fat but refused to see it.

The fourth Dragonspawned race was the Dwarves created by Fafnir the Dragon of the Mountains.  Fafnir had grown obsessed with the beauty of all the precious gems and stones that could be found in the rock.  He made the Dwarves stout and tough as the stone they would live in.  He gave them eyes made to see in the black of caves, and muscles suited to working rock along with an innate skill for working metal and stone so that they could craft Fafnir fine works of art and Jewelry.  He only gave a few the knack for magic, and really only so that they could use it to enhance their craft.  He bound the Dwarves to himself and the Mountains, and bade them to mine and bring him treasures.  Soon Fafnir’s great cave was so full of gems, gold and finely crafted items that he was forced to sleep atop piles of it.

The Orcs were the fifth Dragonspawned race; they were created by The Desert Wyrm Raratoskyr.  Raratoskyr, after spending several thousand years in the unforgiving desert, had grown tough, burned, and scarred.  She had also been blinded by the sun, but had gained a magical sight in its place that allowed her to view the past, present and the future all at once.  She scoffed at her cousin’s obsessions with vanity, games, and trinkets.  She valued strength and power, and so she made her Orcs to be strong and thick-skinned like herself.   Of all the dragonspawned races the Orcs were the most ugly (possibly because their creator was blind, or because she simply didn’t care).  Raratoskyr decided to model the females of her race more closely after herself and so she made them all blind, but gave them the gift of her magical sight instead.  The males were made brutish and many in order to better survive their harsh environment.  Raratoskyr bound the orcs to herself and the desert, and she then buried herself in the sand where she spent her time looking on the future.  She was the only dragon who knew of what fate awaited them all.

Hilidisyinir Dragon Lord of the Marsh created the Goblins as the sixth Dragonspawned Race.  The cleverest and smallest of all the Dragon Lords Hilidisyinir created his Goblins to be as witty and as intelligent as he was.  He made them small like he was and ugly like their home was (although they didn’t turn out quite as ugly as the orcs).  He gave most of them a talent for magic because when used properly, magic was good for playing tricks on people.  He then bound them to himself and to the swamps.  Hilidisyinir then devoted his time to matching wits and playing games with his cousin Nidhogg.

The final Dragonspawned race to be made was the Humans, whom were created by Landvættir the Great Dragon of the Plains.  The only reason Landvættir made his race last was because he took it took him a long time to decide what exactly he wanted in his race.  Landvættir had trouble deciding what skills and attributes he valued most, and then one day realized that not one skill should be placed above another and that truly a perfect race should have the capacity for any and all skills. And so, Landvættir designed his Humans to be first and foremost adaptable.  Humans, while not particularly well suited for any single skill, had been made so that they could apply themselves to any skill they needed (with practice).  He granted a fair number of them with the skill for Magic as well. Landvættir then bound the Humans to himself and the plains.  He then spent most of his days traveling the world of Antheros, for Landvættir had a great wanderlust.

A thousand years passed and the Dragonspawned races toiled away working their bound lands and for the pleasure of their Dragon Lords.   The world continued to grow and heal until finally it had returned to its former glory.

The god Antheros stirred in the worlds core, awakening after having recovered much of the energy he had spent creating the Dragon Lords.  He grew pleased when he saw how his world had prospered.

Then after looking more closely he saw that his Dragons had created races of their own.  Races which had been bound to them as little more than servants and slaves.  Slaves that had been doing the work his Dragons were meant to do.  Dragons who now busied themselves with games, food, and slumber.  Only Jorgmungandr, who maintained the barrier protecting the world from his brothers, had stayed true to his duties.

Antheros made his presence known to the seven wayward Dragon Lords and summoned them to him.  When they assembled he told them he was disappointed with their choices.  All the Dragons were crestfallen at their creator’s displeasure, except for Raratoskyr who had foreseen this day and had prepared. 

Antheros went on to explain that he had granted the Dragons free will like he had all his creatures.  So, he was not upset at them for neglecting their duties, for that is the nature of freedom.  It was after all their choice to do so and he would never take that away.  However, he could not abide them creating life that would never know any choice at all save the ones given them by their masters.  It was for this act that they would now be punished.

Antheros’ first punishment was to strip the seven Dragon Lords of much of their power, including their immortality.  The seven lords could now be slain, and they were told that the only way to prevent themselves from withering away and dying like all other living creatures was if they were to join their cousin Jormungandr in slumber at the roof of the world.

He was not completely cruel, however, for he allowed them to ability to sire lesser dragons, through whom they could continue to experience the waking world by sharing their senses.  They would only be able to watch, hear, feel, and smell however, as the Dragon Lords themselves would have no control over what their children did.

Unable to face the prospect of mortality, all Seven Dragon Lords then traveled to the roof the world where they each took a place within the circle made by the much larger Jormungandr.  They each followed his example and bit upon their own tails and six of the seven immediately entered into a deep slumber along side him. 

As her cousins slept Raratoskyr remained awake so that she could lay the eggs that would become the lesser dragons.  She would lay 500 eggs, just as she had foreseen, before she joined her cousins in sleep.

Antheros then turned his attention to the Dragonspawned races. He unbound them from their service to their land and their dragon lords by granting them each free will.  The seven Dragonspawned races all awoke as if from a dream free to do as they pleased for the first time in their existence.  Even though they didn’t fully understand what had happened, all the Dragonspawned celebrated that day; all but the Elves that is.

The elves found themselves mourning that day.  This is because, in the same instant they had been granted their freedom, they had also lost their immortality. 

Antheros then returned to the core of his world where he watched these new races with interest.  He had not created them, and so he did not know what they might do with his beloved world.  He thought about looking into the future to find out, but in the end he decided it would be more fun to just wait and see what may come...

Then started the fourth age of Antheros: The Age of Man.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Gods of Antheros

This is the story/mythology I came up with to explain the creation of my fantasy world Antheros.  This is kinda part one of two.  I'll probably post the second part tomorrow (maybe).  I've attempted to write it kinda like a folk tale/creation story.  What follows describes the creation of and a brief telling of the first two ages of Antheros.  Part two will describe the third age.  Any story I write that takes place in the world will occur during the worlds fourth age.  

In a time and place long forgotten three brother gods were born. Even though these gods were brothers, the three could not have been more different.

The first-born god named himself Evera. He was wise and benevolent, and had a love for all things, especially his brothers. Shortly after his birth, Evera set about to create the stars and suns to shine light and heat on the blackness of space.

The second god named himself Deinous. He was born in Evera's shadow and quickly grew to be very jealous of his older brother, which made him cruel and unforgiving. He hid it well, however, as Deinous was guileful and clever. Above all else Deinous craved power. Deinous' first creations were black holes, hidden in the black of space to steal the energy from Evera's stars

The youngest god named himself Antheros. Antheros was unlike his brothers in that he had both the capacity for benevolence and cruelty, or neither if the mood struck him. Antheros was wild and at times prone to flights of fancy. He loved wandering the depths of space where he created strange and beautiful things like nebulas, comets, and asteroids.

Antheros' brothers often scolded him for his nature. Evera would lecture Antheros the importance of order, and would complain of the odd shapes comets and asteroids took. Deinous would lecture the importance of power, and would often point out how Antheros' creations lacked any true purpose. Antheros did not care, and continued to do as he wished.

One day Antheros created his first world. He made the world round, but left its surface uneven with tall rocky mountains and deep chasms that he filled with oceans. He also added deserts, forest, plains, swamps, lakes, rivers, icy tundras and deep jungles. He set his world to spin so that he could sit and watch it.

It pleased him greatly this new world of his, but still he felt something was missing. He decided it needed more activity, and so Antheros was the first of the three gods to create life.

He filled the world with all manner of creatures. Birds were made to fill the skies, animals to roam the lands and fish to swim the seas. He gave each creature freedom to do as they wished and allowed them to run wild.

He put his world in orbit around one of Evera's suns to keep his creations warm and feed them energy. He created hot and cold and dry and wet weather, because his creatures all preferred different kinds of climates to live in.

As a final touch he gave to the plants and animals the ability to adapt and evolve. It was an ever changing world, much like Antheros himself. The world was so much like the god that he gave it his own name. This began the First Age of Antheros.

For a long time Antheros did nothing but enjoy his creation, he would watch it or take the form of one of the many creatures that dwelled there and would run along with them.

Eventually Antheros began to wander off to create other things in the universe, but he would often return to check on his favorite creation and see what had changed in his absence. He was always delighted at what he found.

While Antheros busied himself with creation, his brothers Evera and Deinous had spent most of their time competing with one other. They would each try and out do each other as they created stars or lifeless gas planets with beautiful swirling patterns or rings, and then would spend ages bickering about which one had won.

A rift had begun to form between the brothers, and even though Evera still loved his brother, he realized they would never see eye to eye. He had even begun to understand Deinous' cruel nature, despite his carefully weaved lies.

Deinous outright hated Evera by now, and even though he would never admit it, he knew his brothers creations were always more beautiful and impressive than his own. This only further enraged the younger god.

One day Evera and Deinous stumbled across Antheros' world. Antheros was absent at the time, so the brothers studied the world and were impressed, but found several things they felt were wrong with it. They both began to imagine ways they could improve the world for their wayward little brother.

However, Evera and Deinous were unable to to agree upon how best to fix the world, and so instead it was decided that they would each create their own world to prove to the other god who's idea was better.

Evera's creation was perfectly round and white, it's surface was left clean and smooth. Beneath the surface, he build a beautiful crystalline city that he filled with various types of angels and archons, that he arranged in an orderly hierarchy. He loved his creations, and made them to love him as well, and this was their primary purpose to love and serve their lord Evera. Angel's would know nothing of free will.

Deinous created a world that was as perfectly round as Evera's, but he colored it red instead of white. For red was a powerful color; the color of heat and flame. Beneith the world's surface he constructed a temple and keep that were a testament to Deinous' power. It was constructed of a strong black metal, and was filled with several effigies and statues of Deinous. At the center sat a great throne made of gold where Deinous could sit and be worshiped and catered to by the demons and devils he had made to serve him. He bred the creatures to be as cruel and as manipulative as he himself was, and they lived only to do their gods bidding.

When they had both finished they found they could not settle on whose design was best, because neither was willing to concede defeat to the other.

Instead they decided they would hold a different contest. Evera would send his angels, and Deinous would send his demons down to Antheros where they would battle each other. Which ever side came out victorious would win in the name of their god. Whichever god triumphed would name themselves ruler of Antheros.

The pristine worlds made by Evera and Deinous were then set in orbit around Antheros as twin moons. Shortly after this several portals were torn open in the skies of Antheros. Out of some flew Evera's majestic and beautiful angels, and from others poured hordes of Deinous' foul demons. Together they blackened the skies.

The war between the angels and demons had begun. This marked the start of the Antheros' second age.

Caught in the middle of the war was the creatures and animals native to Antheros. Many creatures would be killed to the point of extinction.

The lands suffered as well. Forest were razed, oceans boiled off and ice lands melted. Fertile Plain lands and jungles were scorched or flooded in the fighting. The worlds beauty faded in the conflict.

After three centuries of fighting, Antheros' beloved planet had become little more than a charred husk. And still no victor had been decided.

It was about this time that the god Antheros returned to check on his creation. He was greatly angered by what he found. His brothers' conflict had ruined his world, and when he asked them to stop the fighting and leave his world in peace they both ignored him.

If they would not leave willingly, Antheros would force them he decided. From the ashes of his world he created the eight Dragon Lords, into whom he poured nearly half of his power. The Dragon Lords were made so powerful as to almost be gods onto themselves. He granted them them incredible strength and speed, and taught them the secret language of magic.

He named them Jormungandr, Hafgufa, Landvættir, Ratatoskr, Fafnir, Eikpyrnir, Nidhogg, and Hildisvinir. He then released them to his world.

The first thing the dragons did was use their vast powers to close all the portals between the three worlds. They then rounded up every last angel and demon on their planet and flung them through space back to their homes. They had thrown the creatures so hard that when they hit their respective moons they left craters all around the formerly pristine surfaces.

Jormungandr, who was the largest and most powerful of all the Dragons then laid himself around the top of the world where he bit his own tail forming an Ouroboros. The other Dragons then took places around him and cast a powerful spell that encircled the Antheros in a protective barrier separating world from its moons, and making it so that Deinous and Evera's servants could never set foot on the planet again.

Once the spell was cast Jormungandr began his great slumber, and it is through his power alone that the barrier is held.

The Seven remaining Dragon Lords then divided the world of Antheros into eaqual parts for each to heal. Hafgufa the second most powerful dragon was given the seas, rivers, and lakes. Landvættir was given the plain lands to make fertile once more. Raratoskyr took her place in the deserts. Fafnir went to the mountains. Eikpyrnir went to regrow the forest, and his twin Nidhogg took the Jungles. Hilidisvinir the smallest retreated to the swamps and marshlands.

Antheros himself took up residence in the planets core where he rested to regain his strength.

Evera and Deinous whom had also found themselves weaked after the battles followed Antheros' exampled and retreated within their own worlds where they too would rest, but while they rested each brother also planned and plotted. They had both decided the contest was not yet over, but had simply changed form, and now it seemed as though their youngest brother had entered the game. Whether he had wanted to or not.

This would begin The Third Age of Antheros, or as it is more commonly referred: The Age of Dragons.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Torn between two stories.

Well I've found myself torn between wanting to write more of The Last collector, and working on another story I've had in mind for a long time as well.  The other story is a bit more of a traditional fantasy story with dragons and magic and such, but a few twist to the world, which I call Antheros.

I've finished a few chapters of Collector and I think I may take a break from it and flesh out a few of the ideas for Antheros before I continue with Collector.  I like the Collector story I have planned, but I'm not certain about the main character yet.  I feel like I need to inject more of his personality into the writing.

I have kinda the opposite problem with my Antheros world.  I like the character I have in mind, but I haven't really fleshed out the story yet.  I plan to write some more stuff down about the world over the next few days and see if anything comes to mind.  If it does and I tend to prefer it I may put Collector on the back burner for now and work on that instead.

I think part of it is I've never written a book before and the world I've made for Collector is very complex.  The Antheros world is a bit more straight forward (although some aspects of it are more complicated).  I think for a first novel it might be easier for me to write something in Antheros (as i'm more comfortable in the realm of fantasy than dystopian future).  We'll see...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

So, I'm writing a book.

So, After writing several short stories I've decided to try my hand at writing a full fledged book. I have started this blog so that I could keep track of stuff dealing with it. The blog will very much be a work in progress till I get it looking the way I want it. For now I'm using a template I found online. I'd like to add images and such, make it look more fun, but that will come later. I guess I'll start by posting a summary of the book I am writing.

 The Last Collector:
 In the year 2192, The Collectors saved humanity from destruction by defeating the insane cultists known as the Proteans, which ended the Shadow War. Since then The Collectors have had one goal: to collect and contain Shadow, an indestructible black liquid of alien origin that bestows its users with super-natural abilities. The abilities come at a cost, however, as the users of shadow are slowly driven mad. Over the years the enigmatic order has faded into little more than legend.
 It is a legend that 17-year-old Roswell Scraphunter now finds himself a part of. After Roswell’s family is butchered during the destruction of the town Wichit, Cain, the last known Collector, decides to take the boy on as his apprentice. Together they must find those responsible for Wichit’s destruction: A group of men and beast that carry a black banner adorned with a red trident, the mark of the Proteans. It is a banner that has not been seen since the cult of shadow users were defeated 200 years earlier. Cain and Roswell must find a way to stop the Proteans before they begin a second Shadow War. For if that happens, there is little chance that the broken remnants of humanity will survive.