Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Busy... and also Warmahordes.

Been a very busy week.  First week back to work with the kids... I haven't had much time to do any writing really.  Been busy with school and then tired, which sucks.

However, my wife is starting her grad school this week, so the plan is for me to write while she does homework and such.  That way we are both doing something productive.  Hopefully next post will be about how well that arrangement is going!

In other news, I played in a Warmachine tournament last saturday.  I ended up winning 2 of the 5 games I played.  It was fun though and it was pretty much a beginner tourney so I played against other newbies (for the most part) which worked out well.  I've got like half of my Cygnar painted (enough for two 35 point armies with my two favorite casters Kraye and eCaine), so I think I'm going to shift my focus to painting my Circle army.  There are too many Cygnar players at the place I play anyways.

I'll probably use my Cygnar tomorrow night, (Thursdays is Warmachine night at Fat Ogres), but hopefully in the next week or so I can transition to Circle... or maybe ill start bringing an army of each to play on thursdays.  I really don't like playing with unpainted models though, so we'll see.

I painted the Warlock Kaya the Wildborne a while back, but I decided I wanted to do something other than the original Circle color scheme of the Green and Bronze Armor Plates.
 So, I repainted her armor to be a purple/blue and silver instead.
I think I like it.  I don't like the picture, however because I had to use the flash.  Oh well.  That's all for now.

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