Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Torn between two stories.

Well I've found myself torn between wanting to write more of The Last collector, and working on another story I've had in mind for a long time as well.  The other story is a bit more of a traditional fantasy story with dragons and magic and such, but a few twist to the world, which I call Antheros.

I've finished a few chapters of Collector and I think I may take a break from it and flesh out a few of the ideas for Antheros before I continue with Collector.  I like the Collector story I have planned, but I'm not certain about the main character yet.  I feel like I need to inject more of his personality into the writing.

I have kinda the opposite problem with my Antheros world.  I like the character I have in mind, but I haven't really fleshed out the story yet.  I plan to write some more stuff down about the world over the next few days and see if anything comes to mind.  If it does and I tend to prefer it I may put Collector on the back burner for now and work on that instead.

I think part of it is I've never written a book before and the world I've made for Collector is very complex.  The Antheros world is a bit more straight forward (although some aspects of it are more complicated).  I think for a first novel it might be easier for me to write something in Antheros (as i'm more comfortable in the realm of fantasy than dystopian future).  We'll see...

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