Wednesday, September 12, 2012

More Circle.

School has been wrecking me so I haven't gotten to do more than just a little bit of writing.  I am continuing this grand experiment of novel writing though, so look for more in the future.  I kinda want to draw all the characters in sketchbook pro so maybe if I get a chance ill do that too.

I have been painting my Circle Army, mostly on my lunch break at school.   I've finished a few models so I'll post pix for fun.

I've decided I am going to finish painting my Cygnar then attempt to sell it so I can buy Mercs or Cryx instead.  Too many people at the shop play Cygnar, and Cygnar v Cygnar gets old fast.  Plus I really think both Mercs and Cryx would be fun to paint (esp. Cryx.)  Plus I'm sure Cryx models would be very useful in the IK RPG we will be playing once the book comes out.  If I did Mercs it would be Highborn Covenant cuz I can still use gunmages with Ashlyn, and I've always had a softspot for the poor Occupied Llaelese.  (even if they are supposed to be kinda like the French :P)  VIVA LA REVOLUTION!

Oh wait... Viva La Circle for now....
eKaya and Laris
 Moar Laris
 Pureblood Warpwolf
 Feral Warpwolf
 All of em...
 pKaya and Pureblood
 Moar Rawr
 Pureblood Back
 eKaya and Laris back....
Also in these pics... My crappy porch and the pizza box I use to prime/fix models!

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