Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Zug Zug

Well, I haven't posted in a while because I've been gearing up to start back teaching.  I have had to spend this last week at boring Staff Development and "team building" exercises.  As far as writing is going I've shifted my focus back towards the Collectors. I will continue to do stuff for Antheros, but it will definitely be more of a side project thing for now.  I think what I am going to end up doing is creating a few pages within this blog, one will be dedicated to Collectors stuff and the other Antheros stuff and possibly a random section so I can post stuff about other things that interest me (such as WarMachine, games, and movies and books and such.)    Anyways the one advantage to all these pointless meetings is that it gives a chance to draw, so I did a quick rough sketch of the main character in Collectors.  So here he is:

Roswell Scraphunter

Speaking of meetings I have another now.... Zug Zug!

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